How we coined in a 13:1 ROI for this gambling brand

Who was the client?

The client was a well-known UK gambling brand.

What was the brief?

The campaign was for five years, business as usual. Our objectives were to grow the client’s existing audience and re-engage any lapsed and lapsing customers.

What was our strategy?

Existing customers

We split customers into different pools, depending on their frequency of activity. This data was updated every 13 weeks. The purpose was to ensure we targeted customers who were more likely to participate in the week’s events, rather than targeting all customers to save budget and increase ROI.

New customers

To ensure our ads were being served to high-quality customers, we avoid bidding for them and instead bought PMPs.

When driving existing customers and new customers to a newly launched game, we included contextual targeting. This involved creating a keyword list that would ensure that our ads would appear next to an article that was likely to be read by our target market.

What were the results?

We achieved an average ROI of 13:1 for ongoing weekly events, and an average ROI of 4:1 for online instant win games.

Download our full case study to find out how we cleverly used contextual targeting to enable our client to reach new customers.