[One-minute video] What is dynamic creative? And why is it useful?

If you’ve read any of our recent articles, you’ll know what big fans we are of dynamic optimised creative (DCO) and why. We also happen to be experts in running DCO campaigns.

So we were delighted to be invited by IAB Hong Kong to record a short video explaining what dynamic creative is, and why it’s so useful. Here’s Frank Cheng, our Asia Business Director doing exactly that:

If you’d like to learn more about DCO and how you can use it to boost the performance of your ad campaigns, we recommend reading these articles:

We’d also be delighted to talk to you about how DCO can transform your results. Just get in touch for a chat.

To help you avoid these common pitfalls, we’ve created a one-pager with the six biggest mistakes to avoid when creating your first DCO campaign. Download your free copy now.