How to get complete visibility of your customer lifecycle with our new Insights Dashboard

Find out how our new Insights Dashboard gives you complete visibility of your customer lifecycle and on-demand data.

On demand insights can make or break an ad campaign. The better quality data and more visibility you have when running campaigns, the more you can influence their performance. They help you to maintain and develop your marketing strategies on a regular, flexible and frequent basis. They also enable better briefing for creative agencies in advance. 

With actionable insights you can provide better customer experiences, while increasing revenue and response rates and minimising budget wastage, too.

And that’s exactly what our new Insights Dashboard will help you to do – throughout your lifecycle.

Learn more about your customer lifecycle 

Our Insights Dashboard gives you an in-depth understanding of your full customer lifecycle on demand, including:

  • Performance tracking against your brand’s KPIs
  • Performance per strategy for each campaign
  • Geo performance
  • Audience targeting performance
  • Contextual performance 
  • Dynamic creative performance

You can capture this information visually with a quick overview, or export the data for deeper analysis. 

You can also use this tool to forecast audience reach per market, per campaign strategy. This can help inform the best strategies per market to drive the optimum results, right from the start of your campaign. 

Use our tool to inform planning and strategy

Our Insights Dashboard is a powerful tool for planning and strategy. It gives you on-demand access to important data (such as the above) about your campaigns. 

As a result, it puts control and transparency at the forefront for you to make informed, smart decisions in real time about your brand’s campaign strategies across the customer journey. Ensuring your brand excels from campaign start to campaign end. 

Get the full picture of your lifecycle – on demand

If you’d like to have a full picture of your customer lifecycle on demand, one that enables you to make informed decisions based on accurate, up-to-date data, our new Insights Dashboard will help.

To find out more about our Insights Dashboard and see a live demonstration please get in touch.