Red Carnation Hotels

How we generated 22x more revenue for Red Carnation Hotels

What was the brief?

Red Carnation Hotels wanted to increase brand awareness. Their goals was to achieve a CPA target of £50-£75 across seven hotels. They also wanted to test the effectiveness of user generated content creative versus professional creative in programmatic campaigns.

What did we do?

We targeted affluent travellers who had the budget to afford a stay at a high-end hotel in London, and were exhibiting a desire to do so.

We used look-alike targeting, contextual targeting, keyword targeting around London premium hotels, travel and holiday, third party segments and proprietary data. We also treated the budget as fluid, and we varied strategies to optimise to minimise CPA and maximise booking value.

What was the result?

We delivered a total revenue of £292,507, an overall ROI of 18.28 and a CPA £66.95. Our combined USA and UK ROI was higher than any other paid advertising activity during that time period, and our programmatic campaign generated 22 times more revenue than any other type of top of funnel online advertising.

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of revenue

What did the client say?

“Crimtan’s campaign far exceeded our expectations. It had a significant impact on both our brand awareness in key markets and in reaching our quarterly revenue goals.

We combined UK and USA activity, and both performed well. The combined ROI was also higher than any other paid advertising activity during that same time period. And the revenue generated through programmatic was 22 times that of other types of top of funnel online advertising.

As a result, we will definitely be running another campaign and we intend to make programmatic advertising a continuous part of our online advertising.”

Download our full case study, including details of how we generated 22 times more revenue and what we learned from the campaign.